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  • Ham Radio Deluxe Software
    The premier software suite for ham shack automation.
  • Find It!
    HRD takes you to the DX you need to work
  • Control It!
    Computerized Rig Control
  • Work It!
    Digital modes, CW, or Phone - HRD has you covered
  • Log It!
    Multi-user logbook functions with powerful features for DXers
  • Aim for It!
    Automatic rotor control
  • Track It!
    Sunspot low?  Work through Satellites
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Ham Radio Deluxe Software for Windows

A complete suite of software for the amateur radio operator

  • HRD Rig Control with full command support for Yaesu, ICOM, Kenwood, Elecraft, Ten-Tec, FlexRadio, and more
  • HRD Logbook - QSO logging that supports DXing, awards tracking, and digital modes integration with WSJT-X
  • HRD DM-780 - Digital Modes support for RTTY, PSK31, and many other digital modes
  • HRD Rotator Control for azimuth and azimuth/elevation rotors by Yaesu, HyGain, Green Heron, M2, AlfaSpid, Easycom, Idiom Press, FoxDelta, and more for turning your ham radio antenna
  • HRD Satellite Tracking - Satellite communications with rig frequency adjustment for Doppler and az/el tracking of the ham radio antennas
  • Perpetual software license (not sold as a subscription)

World's Most Popular Ham Radio Software for Amateur Radio Operators

Ham Radio Deluxe - The Radio Amateur's Best Asset

The Best Ham Radio Apps for Logging, Rig Control, Digital Modes, Satellite

Get the most out of your ham radio license and control your base station with the software 40,000 ham radio operators in 130 countries rely on.

As customers tell us, "I love my HRD!"

The current release version of Ham Radio Deluxe is v6.8.0.372 (13-Feb. 2023). Amateur Radio Software at its finest.

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